Saturday, October 22, 2005

Computer Genius!

Today Daddy was showing Josiah all about computers. He was very interested and wanted to "help" play Daddy's game!

He is getting pretty good at holding his head up now and is also starting to try to put things in his mouth. Daddy let us hold the toothpaste tube and we tried to suck on the cap and got a weird "what is this?" face that made Daddy laugh out loud.

Josiah definitely wants to be where the people are and lets us know it if he is by himself (in the crib or under his play gym)!

His cries are getting more varied everyday. Last night, he woke up guessed it 4am...and I heard him doing some little "I'm scared" cries and when I came in his room I noticed that the wind was whistling outside and also that he was trying to work himself out of his blanket, (that Mommy had tucked underneath him) but was unsuccessful in ousting himself from blanketland.

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