Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Almost 6 month Pictures + Josiah too!!

I decided it had been far too long since we had some cute Carpenter kid photos, so I did a make-shift photo shoot today! With Sharel's help, I got some fun smiles from the boys as well. Josiah wanted in on the action and so I got a nice cheesey grin from him also! As a side note, Caleb has been under the weather a bit recently. He has had a slight fever, but no other symptoms other than he isn't eating quite as much as usual. He may be teething, but I haven't seen any teeth, so who knows. He has been super sleepy, so I am hoping that the extra sleep will nip whatever he has (if a virus) in the bud! Daniel is finally well and I am hoping he won't have anymore colds for a while!


Lynne Paulus said...

SO adorable! Love the cheesey grin from Josiah!

Lynne' said...

The twins are starting to look more different (from each other) I think! As Renna gets older she looks less like Lily I think too. :)