Monday, April 26, 2010

Random Conglomeration of Photos

I dressed Caleb & Daniel like this for church today and then after their nap they went outside to play. They were both standing on the railing on the porch and I was hoping to get a shot of them standing there from behind, but they got down to look at me instead, which is also cute.

Last night as I was bringing Naomi to her room to sleep, I glanced into Josiah's room to see him sleeping as pictured above. He really was asleep too as I heard his nose whistling a tune as he was sleeping as well. You might also note the plethera of stuffed animals on the side of his bed. I am surprised he has room to sleep with all of those. I have tried to get him to move a few off the bed, but he usually fights for each and every animal. He HAS to have the small ones 'cause he has to protect them and take care of them. How can you argue with that? And then I try to take away the big ones and he REALLY wants to have them too and has various reasons why.

It was a really nice day yesterday and Daddy took advantage of it to mow the lawns and wash the vehicles. Caleb's method of cleaning was to go dip his rag in the bucket of bubbles and walk to the car and barely touch the car and then run back to the bucket to dip his rag again. Not much cleaning done here! Daniel did a little better in that he was actually trying to wash the car, but then he saw a spot on the ground and tried to tackle that one too. This resulted in Mommy having to bring the VERY dirty rag inside for a cleaning. Josiah was a big help and was very excited to be helping!

This is our little tomtatohead Naomi at her best tomatohead pose, bright red in the face from crying and pushing her nightgown down with her feet to show us JUST HOW MAD she really is! This just cracks me up when she does this! Of course soon after this photo she was rescued and calmed down to her normal non-tomato-ey cute self.

1 comment:

Jee said...

I loved Josiah's sleeping pose and the twins' outfit is too cute. It was great seeing you and Naomi at the shower and thank you for the info re the diaper genie. I updated the registry and will exchange the one refill I received.

Have a blessed week Heather!