Thursday, August 07, 2008

Precious Moments

Here is a cute picture of Josiah and his little friend Hannah (our babysitter Sharel's sister). They like to hold hands with each other, it is very cute!

Here is Josiah trying on Hannah's headband.

Josiah wanted to take a nap in his rocking chair yesterday. From way back, we have always called this chair "Rocko" because we rocked back and forth and he would say, "Rocko, rocko, rocko."

Here are some cute little Daniel boy pictures. This one of him reaching for the camera.

And this one is one of Daniel right before he is started to get upset.

Here is our little Caleb boy making a funny face.
And here he is again giving a nice Caleb glare!

Yesterday, Caleb was rolling over and was holding onto the dog. Echo was licking him in the face and he just laughed and laughed. Thankfully, our dog is very gentle with the boys!

As an additional note: Most of these pictures are compliments of Sharel with the exception of the Caleb and dog picture and the Josiah in the Rocko picture. Thanks for taking such fun pictures Sharel!

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