Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Escape Artist Echo

Yesterday, I needed to make a quick trip to Costco for some things and as usual I prepared the boys for the trip, and when it was time to go I opened the front door and loaded everybody and everything into the car (quite a venture really). Usually our dog Echo stays put in the house and we rarely have problems with her jetting out the door, so I don't even really worry about that too much.

Apparently this time, she sneaked out the front door without my noticing and we all headed off to Costco. When we got home, I noted right away there wasn't a doggie dog to greet us as usual and got to looking around the house and of course she wasn't there.

Josiah and I walked a little ways down the road together (leaving the babes strapped in their carseats in the house briefly) calling for the dog together, it went a little something like this...

Me: Echo!!
Josiah: Echo!!
Me: Echo!!
Josiah: Echo!!
I am sure you get the humor here.

I walked with the boys (babies in the baby bus) down the road to question our neighbors and when I talked to this one gal she said that she had seen our dog (though she didn't know she was ours) down the road quite a ways away about an hour ago. I thought we had lost her for sure as this same gal also drove around down where she saw her last and didn't see her.

We walked back to the house and I got the boys in the car again and then as I was getting ready to leave, our Echo came sauntering up the walk panting vigorously. Silly dog! I guess she decided to grace us with her presence after her super secret doggie mission. We are glad she is back though. Perhaps I will take more care in the future to not leave the door open while I am loading up the car. Lesson learned.

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